Penda Diakite – Sasulon Bamba, 2023
As the Bambara story goes, in ancient times there was once a great crocodile of the Niger River named Sasulon Bamba. Every year the people of the Niger made a sacrifice to the great crocodile to keep him at bay.
Across the river, a tyrant king named Moshé Dougou's land was seized by a neighboring Bambara king. During this chaotic time, the queen of Moshé Dougou knew she must flee with her twin sons to protect them. Though to get to safety in the Mandinka Empire she knew must cross through the edge of the Segu Empire, across the Niger River where Sasulon Bamba the Crocodile lived.
As she neared the river, people began following her, as news of the queen wanting to cross the river had reached the village. As the people gathered, they began saying, "Fin ma dougoulen tô ô na e douna tô" ('Sasulon Bamba does not even leave a citizen of this country! How will he leave this woman?!')
When the queen heard this she began singing,
"Sasulon Bamba, Ne tô ala yé" ('leave me for god').
Upon hearing this, Sasulon Bamba slowly emerged from the water, heading for the queen and her twins.
As he neared, he slowly turned his scaly body and offered his back. She climbed on with her children and Sasulon Bamba took her safely across the river as the townspeople's mouths dropped in surprise.
She made it to the Mandingo empire and lived well.
Enquiry for Penda Diakite – Sasulon Bamba, 2023
Penda Diakite – Sasulon Bamba Figures - 2023
122 x 91 cm
hand engraved rubber sealed on wood panel